Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Senate Receives National Conference Report

The Senate on Tuesday received the report of the National Conference from President Goodluck Jonathan for consideration.
The letter accompanying the report, which was read by the President of the Senate, David Mark, indicated that the conference report had been deliberated upon and approved for implementation by the Federal Executive Council.

“Council considered and approved the conference report and resolved that the draft bill be transmitted to the National Assembly for enactment into law.
“It held that the recommendations and resolutions that are outside the purview of the Federal Government be forwarded to the relevant tiers of government for implementation.
“That relevant agencies of government should harmonise the conference resolutions with extant policies for immediate implementation,’’ it stated.
It recalled that the National Conference was inaugurated on March 17, 2014, to discuss issues about Nigeria, with particular emphasis on finding solutions to the problems of national unity and development. 

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