Friday, May 29, 2015

Don’t Scrap YOUWIN, Okonjo-Iweala Urges In-coming Administration

The minister of finance and the coordinating minister for the economy, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, has appealed to the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration not to jettison the YOUWIN initiative of the Goodluck Jonathan’s administration considering its benefits to the youths.
The minister, who spoke at a reception organised by the Ndi-Igbo Youth Organisation, in partnership with the Voice of All Arewa Youth in Abuja, to honour her for her meritorious service, equally urged the government to continue with economic policies that are beneficial and review the ones that needs to be improved upon.

Acknowledging that the youths were central to any transformation, the minister said that Jonathan charged the economic team to evolve programmes that will address the unemployment crisis facing the nation.
“My charge as minister was to create jobs. So we set out to find out how many jobs that were needed because you cannot create jobs in a vacuum. You also realise that the bulk of the nation’s population is made up of young people. So if you don’t factor them into any transformation, it is bound to fail,” she said.

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