Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Power Outage: ‘No Breakdown At Kainji, Jebba Plants’

Contrary to media reports, the power system collapse occasioning outage in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, and other parts of the country, was not caused by any breakdown at the Jebba Hydro Electric Power Station, Mainstream Energy Solutions has said.
In a statement issued to journalists yesterday, the firm said it has become necessary to enlighten the Nigerian public and to set the records straight on the circumstances that led to the nationwide blackout two days ago.

“Our attention has been drawn to reports by a section of the media to the effect that the power system collapse which occurred around 4pm on May 24, 2015, occasioning outage in Abuja and other parts of the country was caused by a breakdown at the Jebba Hydro Electric Power Station.
“The concessionaires of the Kainji and Jebba power plants, Mainstream Energy Solutions Limited, wish to state clearly that there has been no breakdown at the Kainji and Jebba plants,’’ the statement said.
It noted that the Jebba Plant has five generating units with combined available capacity of 400 megawatts (mw) while Kainji has four generating units with combined available capacity of 305mw.
“As at the time the system collapse occurred, the generating units were on the national grid. The units separated due to the national grid failure. It should also be noted that effort has been made by the National Control Center to black start the system using the Kainji Power Plant. Kainji and Jebba Power Plants remain available to supply power as soon as the national grid is restored,” it said.
The company said it took over Kainji and Jebba plants in November 2013, saying that it has not only stabilised the operations of the power plants but has also increased generation capacity of the plants despite various setbacks.

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